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Why Romanticizing Depression Is The Last Thing The World Needs

 People might also term it as something ‘wonderfully tragic’ or ‘beautifully sad’ without even realizing that it makes absolutely no sense. It is an ugly feeling

Nocebo Effect: How Your Fear Comes To Life

Nocebo effect can prove to fatal in some cases. An individual attempted to kill himself by consuming 26 sugar pills which he thought were sleeping pills. His blood pressure dropped down dangerously, he was later injected with fluids in order to stabilize it.

Travel Anxiety: The feeling of being caged while flying

Travel anxiety can hamper with the brains of even the strongest of us. It can make you feel against going out of your comfort zone and see whatever is out there, but is it really fine not to travel at all because of it?

Careful! Depression on the rise in India

Depression is a growing problem in India. About one-third of the world's Depression Patients are present in India and China, and only one in...
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